Look Good . . . Feel Better Self-Image Seminars These seminars are offered free of charge as an outreach program for groups of women who are unable to participate in the regular workshops. Audiovisual materials offer cosmetic techniques and wig and head-covering information. There is helpful hand-out material to take home. Self-image Seminars are offered through local Canadian Cancer Society offices, community hospitals and other oncology support groups Look Good . . . Feel Better Self-Help Video "Cancer, Confidence and You" is available for viewing in the oncology libraries of major cancer treatment centers and regional Canadian Cancer Society offices. It may also be purchased for personal use. The video features cancer survivors sharing their feelings and experiences and showing how to build on, and add to, cosmetics skills to "look good and feel better." Look Good . . . Feel Better Educational Magazines and Patient Brochures A selection of reading materials is available in the oncology departments of hospitals, Canadian Cancer Society offices and other oncology support facilities.